🌞 Summer, holidays, hot weather 😎
🥒 As usual, this time of year is the season for cucumbers and tie-wraps (zap-strap or zip tie).
🧠 The limit to solving problems with a piece of plastic is your imagination.
🏖 33° C I set off with the children to the river. Daughter crying because the shoe is broken. I respond with a dinosaur text 🐱🐉 that in my time they walked on stones barefoot and that I walk on bare feet….
🦧 It doesn’t hit, I understand. I’ll think of something quickly, after all I’m not going to sew it….
I pull out my pocket knife, make a hole, fasten it with a zap-strap. Fixed in 1 minute. 😎
👉 First feedback from the customer – better than before it was broken off! 😁
By the river, it was getting uncomfortable so had to adjust the setting.🤓
🚗 I also recently had the opportunity to fix the intake system on the car, almost while changing lights at an junction. I used cardboard for this – an electronics packaging that I had already used once to transport provisions.
🚑 I used a tzip tie to adjust the height of the drip suspension, while the length of the cable was missing.
🐱🚀 Work, children teach me to approach life and solve problems with a dose of humor and minimalism.