music remix

I swapped DJ-ing for meditation

"The world that we have created is the result of our thinking. It is not possible to change it without changing our thinking" Albert Einstein Relaxation music has changed my way of thinking....

I used to be fascinated by club electronic music. Many years ago, I used to be fascinated by club electronic music. I produced beats and whole tracks. As a music producer I didn’t do so well and quickly gave that up.
Then came the era of DJ-ing, or mixing. This lasted for several years. I was searching for and buying quality music and making various remixes. These were really fat, fast, broken, beats and basses too. I created some interesting tracks cuts and remixex. I also got an honest review from a well-known DJ in Krakow who said that if he played that track in a club, it would send shivers through him.

However, even though this music was danceable, uplifting I had the feeling that I liked it less and less. I can’t exactly reconstruct for myself how it happened that I suddenly stopped listening to electronic music. It was very sudden. It was a time when I started to be interested in live instruments, but not classical… I started to go more and more to concerts of bowls, gongs, camertones, so called soundhealing. This music slowly began to win my heart and affect my mind. I was searching it, listening, meditating, using it for work and during relaxation.

Nowadays, I cannot imagine life without this music. Back in early December last year, Spotify wrote me that I had 68,000 hours of music listening in 2022. Not one minute of electronic club music was included.
Below is a link to a snippet of my old work:

Paweł Niedermaier

Designed in Rzeszów, Made in Germany

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