
Heat pump and recuperator nvh engineering

I have made some nvh improvements on heat pumps and on recuperators. I had first performance in front of camera in construction video blog.
Recently, I have been working with Polish brands IzziFast and reQnet.

Our goal is to reduce the sound level emitted from these devices.
Pumps are devices standing outside the building, recuperators inside.
Thanks to minor modifications to the duty points, we have reduced the noise level of the pumps by approximately 1.5 dB(A) without compromising the performance and efficiency.

The IzziFast brand runs its own Vlog.
I had the pleasure of being recorded during a conversation with the designer Tomek Górny during the first measurement sessions. My first performance in front of the camera was not bad for me.
The next ones will be much better.

Please watch the video and leave comments.

Paweł Niedermaier

Noisehacking is my slogan

When coming up with the term ‘Noisehacking’, I was referring to the term Biohacking. Biohacking and noisehacking are two different approaches to optimising our lives in different areas. The slogan also perfectly sums up the type of some of the features in the music in the meditation and development app Focusly that I have been working on.

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Paweł Niedermaier

Engineer dad + VAN + kids + 2 weeks holiday + Croatia = ?

The holiday season has come to an end, and with it a time for reflection. For the second year in a row, I decided to go alone with my children to Croatia. We had lots of different adventures involving the car, camping. Trips like this are incredibly inspiring, relationship-building and great for improving soft skills. Definitely not an easy venture, but well worth the experience.

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